RRB JE Form status is live: Read step by step guide here to check

In January 2019 Railway Recruitment Board has issued the notification to hire 13,487 candidates on RRB Junior engineer JE posts. The last date to fill the form was 31st January 2019. If you have applied for the RRB JE position then you can check your RRB JE form status by following the step by step guide below. The RRB JE CBT exam will begin from May/ June and all eligible candidates would be able to download their admit cards a few days before the RRB JE Exam.

It will be a good idea to check your RRB Junior Engineer online registration status so that you can prepare for the online examination. RRB JE job post is considered as a reputable position in Railway hence the level of competitiveness will be higher.

RRB JE Form status

Candidates can access their RRB JE Form status by visiting the official website (Link is given below) and logging using their registration number and date of birth. They will also be prompted to solve a captcha before finally accessing the candidate page. As you all know every year the recruitment board publishes various new job notification including Level 1 railway jobs, NTPC UG/ Graduate, ALP etc according to the requirements in different- different RRB zones.

The recruitment board will issue the Admit cards to those candidates only whose application form has been accepted. The recruitment process will have the following recruitment life

  • CBT Stage 1
  • CBT Stage 2
  • Document verification

In other words, the selection of a candidate on RRB JE position is highly depended on their performance in CBT 1st and 2nd stage output. So All the Railway JE Job aspirants are hereby advised to leave other works behind and start preparing for the exam as per their syllabus to be able to qualify the minimum cut off marks.

Step by step guide to check RRB JE application status-

Follow the below mentioned steps to get the final application status of your RRB JE form.

1- Visit the official website link- Click Here

2- Select the correct RRB through which you have submitted your JE application form

3- A new login page will be opened asking for your registration number and date of birth

4- Enter your Registration number/ Date of birth and captcha details.

5- Click the submit button.

6- Now you would be able to check your application status.

There are a total number of 13,487 vacancies in this recruitment process on various posts like

  • Junior Engineer JE
  • Junior Engineer (Information Technology)
  • Depot material superintendent (DMS)
  • Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant (CMS)

etc posts across all Railway Recruitment zones in India. As I told you earlier that the level of difficulty will be higher so start the preparation accordingly and crack the test.

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