RRB recruitment 2020 notification is already started, Online application form registration process closing date is 12th April 2020 for 1,03,739 post (Read full details below). We are happy to tell you that the Railway Recruitment Board RRB is going to conduct the largest recruitment drive in the various zone of the country in India. All the competition candidates who were preparing their self for the RRB Recruitment 2020 vacancy can fill the online form and participate in this bumper recruitment drive.
According to an online source, there are approx 80,000 seats on which the official Indianrailway.gov.in website is going to start the recruitment process. Students are advised to kindly check the latest notification in this regard and follow the instructions given in this blog to participate in this vacancy with zeal.
Breaking- Railway Board will issue the NTPC exam dates in February 2020
RRB NTPC Admit card 2019 is about to publish, Kindly refer the article to get more information on CBT 1/ CBT 2 CEN 01/ 2019 admit card and documennt verification entrance ticket. We are expecting the board to publish the notification or new info before the end of the October month.
RRB Group D admit card 2019 (CBT Exam is expected to get started from the month of September, Group d admit card will be released at official website, Regionwise admit card will be available from the list )
Breaking News (17th October 2019)- NTPC CBT 1st stage exams has been postponed officially Read full details here
> CEN 03/ 2018 JE Document verification admit card- Download here
RRB Recruitment 2020
The board had declared the job notification in 2 parts there are 26502 posts for Assistant loco pilot post and remaining post of 1,03,739 is to be filled under various format. Candidates can find the official notification of RRB Recruitment 2020 on the official RRB regional website in the month of March. The ongoing Railway Recruitment Board vacancy process will be ending after the declaration of the results. The RRB Written exam date is already declared by the board and it is going to start from 17th of September 2020 and at various predetermined centres on the different state of the country. RRB Recruitment 2020 is the perfect gateway for all the Railway job aspirants. After that, the RRB Results will be declared.
Soon the board will introduce new notification to fill the vacant seats. The new rrbrecruitment2020 is expected to be announced at the start of January of March 2020. Stay tuned with us to grab the latest notifications on that.
New Job Notification (Last updated 13th January 2020)-
[su_box title=”Group D Hand-Picked books” style=”default” box_color=”#30D3CF” title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Read these books to succeed in Group D CBT Exam test/ ग्रुप डी में सफलता पाने के लिए इन बुक्स का अध्धयन करें – Group D Books[/su_box]
Slowly slowly the time for various Railway recruitment board exams are approaching, candidates who have applied for Group D, NTPC, junior engineer, departmental railway job, or any other railway job 2020 we would like to inform them that as per the official notification the first stage CBT exam of group D is expected to get started in the month of September or October, on the other hand, the non-technical railway jobs for NTPC exams are about to start in just 1 or 2 months from now.
It is very important for all the candidates to qualify the minimum cut off mark as per their religion category to qualify for the next stage the group D job process will get started with the first stage CBT exam followed by Physical Efficiency Test p e t followed by document verification candidates and all the railway job aspirants while sitting alone far from their home to qualify any competitive exam these three months are going to play a crucial part in their career.
On the other hand, RRB group c exams for post-like clerk t t e engineers station master, etc directions to board will issue a notification for the same shortly
RRB Group C Recruitment 2020
Clerical and Supervisory post comes under Group C recruitment process, Group C post name list is updated below
- Junior Clerk
- Senior Clerk
- Office Superintendent
- TC
- Conductor
- InTechnical
- SSE of Electrical
- Mechanical
- Civil
- Junior Engineer
- Technicians etc.
Railway Recruitment Board publishes Group C recruitment notifications time to time to hire eligible candidates on various different Group C posts as per the notifications and recruitment process. We have already updated several RRB Group c posts in our latest railway jobs section. Job aspirants who are interested in Group C jobs must read the official notifications carefully and then apply online.
RRB Group C vacancies are published in different quantities in different RRB’s
Railway Recruitment 2020 apply online-
After the declaration of Railway New Vacancy notification candidates can proceed to apply online on the given links. Candidates are supposed to read the notification gently to understand the Post qualification, Age limit, Fee details and technical requirements for the posts and apply accordingly.
For the convenience of the competitors, we will update all the relevant information related to rrb recruitment 2020 with separate links and separate articles. This blog is separated according to 21 different railway recruitment board in India (Discussed below) in which you can apply for any RRB Recruitment 2020 post. All the important information related to the declaration of post and number will be published here to help all competitive candidates who are working hard to get selected in Railway.
RRB Group D Recruitment 2020
RRB Recruitment 2019 new vacancy-
New vacancies are first published on the official website of that railway zone. Below we are going to list all the railway website zone to help our followers and visitors to reach the official recruitment sites directly whenever they want
- Ahmedabad Railway Recruitment board
- Ajmer Railway Recruitment board
- RRB Allahabad
- RRB Bangalore Recruitment
- RRB Bhopal Recruitment
- RRB Bhubaneshwar
- RRB Bilaspur
- Chandigarh RRB Notifications
- Chennai
- Gorakhpur
- Guwahati
- Jammu & Kashmir
- Kolkata
- Malda
- Mumbai
- Muzaffarpur
- Patna
- Ranchi
- Secunderabad
- Siliguri
- Thiruvananthapuram
Each board looks after the recruitment process separately from the Publication of new job Notifications to taking the online application, Issuance of admit card, Exam dates and declaration of results.
RRB Vacancy details for various posts-
In 2020 Railway Recruitment Board is expected to release notifications for approx 1.5 Lakh plus vacancies on different posts including Group C and Group D. Students kindly prepare for this competitive examination on priority so that you have the best chance to qualify in the RRB Recruitment 2020
Be in mind that just like you lakhs of other candidates are preparing for this examination and this job will be awarded to those who perform well in the written exams and get qualified according to the cut off marks.
Railway job is one of the prestigious jobs in the government sector. It is on top of the Government jobs pyramid in candidates list. Kindly be with us to get the latest information on newly published vacancies.
RRB Admit Card 2020 –
All the students who are interested in RRB Recruitment 2020 notifications and filling the online application form. For them Admit cards are very important to appear in the examination, Without this piece of information you may not be able to even enter the Exam centre premises. So, Make sure that you download your RRB Group D admit card before the last day (I have seen many students wait for the last date and they end up facing server issue and running here and there before the examination)
So, If you want to avoid such things on your way then don’t wait after the issuance of the admit card.
RRB Recruitment 2020 Important dates-
Every year the Railway Recruitment Board conducts the selection process on a mass scale. More then millions of candidates fill the online form to participate in this competitive exam to get the Job in various posts. It becomes very important for the Railway Board to convey the Important dates and timing with the candidates so that they will prepare and participate in the exams properly.
Here is a list of expected Important dates of Railway Recruitment 2020 session.
[table id=2 /]
Eligibility criteria for Railway Recruitment in various position-
Recruitment board seeks different eligibility criteria for different – different posts. The minimum eligibility criteria it asks for Group C aspirants may not be the same for Group D. It also doesn’t require a physical test for each post. Kindly refer the post wise criteria below
Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP)
- The age limit of candidates must be between 18 to 42 years
Goods guard eligibility criteria-
- Educational Qualification- Candidates willing to apply for RRB Online application for ASM & Good guards must have passed Graduation degree in any discipline from any UGC recognized university in India
- The age of Applicants must be between 18 to 40 years
Traffic Assistant Eligibility for Railway Recruitment 2020 –
The age and educational limitation for Traffic assistant post is as below-
- You must have a Graduation degree in any stream from any UGC recognized the University of India.
- The age of the candidate must be between 18 to 40 years
Commercial apprentice eligibility-
The required eligibility for a candidate willing to apply for Commercial Apprentice post is as follow
- You should have a Graduation degree from any UGC recognized University in India
- Age limit- 18 t0 40 years for this railway recruitment job
Make sure the download and same the file in your smartphone so that you can access them when ever you want and read the same to apply in RRB Recruitment 2020 selection process.