Hey, RRB Group D job aspirants as you all know that RRC has already started accepting the online registration form of Group D 2019 to fill total 1,03,739 posts from 12th March 2019. All the Railway job seekers who are interested to participate in this Group D recruitment drive must fill and submit the online registration form before the last date which is 12th April 2019. In this article, we are going to guide all boys and girls on how to fill and submit the Group D CEN 01/ 2019 form online with the help of proper image and indications.
There is a total number of 1,03,739 posts which the Railway is intended to fill in 2019 for various posts and categories. More than 2 crore people are expected to be participating in this huge 2019 Group D recruitment process. The recruitment process will start from the online registration, Kindly check the Step by step guide to fill Group d registration form below.
RRB Group D online registration form
All candidate who is interested to participate in this recruitment process can apply online via the official website of Railway specially designed to accept online registration forms. All the candidates are requested to kindly go through the Post Parameters and the Railway-wise Vacancies to ascertain the availability of vacancies as per your eligibility.
The process to fill the RRB Group D online registration form is very easy. Candidates are requested to kindly read the below listed important points before proceeding
- Read the official notification
- Check the post wise eligibility criteria
- You are ensured through which RRB you are going to apply
- Have all the related documents if you are going to apply from any reserved categories
Step by Step process to fill the online registration form-
Follow the below steps
Candidates must read the Official notification before proceeding.
1- First of all visit the official registration page- Click Here
2- Now click on New Registration or Candidate login (if you have already registered before)
3- On next page select your category ie (Un reserved/ SC/ ST/ OBC/ EWS), Ex-servicemen status (Yes or No) etc and click on Search button to check category wise available vacancies in different posts.
4- Now you will be shown a detailed list of post availability in different RRC. Scroll the page and click the dialogue box and click Apply button.
5- On next page select Railway Board of your choice (Please note that Railway once selected cannot be changed after Registration)
6- After selecting the Railway board a new confirmation box will be opened. Click on confirm button and proceed.
7- On the next page you will be shown a list of Important instructions, Read the whole list of instruction and agree the dialogue box and click on submit button. (You can change the language of instruction in Hindi also from top left corner)
8- Now start filling the online registration form by filling all the important details as asked on the page. and click on Submit button.
- Aadhar number isn’t necessary if you don’t have.
- Fill your correct class 10th registration number and passing year
- Only one online group d registration form is permitted through one mobile number and email id
9- Enter the captcha and click on the declaration dialogue box that the submitted details are correct then click on the submit button.
10- A pop up will be appeared asking to confirm the submitted details before final submission (Read the details and click on confirm button)
11- Now a pop up with registration number and password will have appeared. Copy your registration number and password
12- Click on OK button
13- Now enter OTP you have received on your mobile number and email id and enter the Security code and click on Validate button.
14- Now proceed to fill the online registration form. Click on Apply/ Edit button
15- The online registration form is divided into 4 parts
- Eligibility Criteria (Asking for educational details)
- Preference Details (Asking for Posts you are interested to apply)
- Additional Details
- Documents upload (Upload scan copy of the document)
16- After that make the Payment (Full details are given below)
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Take the printout of the acknowledgment letter.
The process to modify the Group D application form
After final submission the editing of application can be done by paying the modification fee of Rs. 100, After that only the “Modification” button will be activated and you should be able to make the minor changes. You can follow the below guide to modify your submitted RRB Group d registration form
- Visit the login page- Click Here
- Enter your registration number, Password and Security code and click on login button.
- Now select the Modification option
- Make the Payment of Rs. 100
- Make the necessary changes and submit the form.
- Selected RRB Can not be changed.
before final submission can I edit.